
Buy European Greenfinch Online


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The European Greenfinch, or just Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. This bird is widespread throughout Europe, North Africa and SW Asia. The greenfinch has also been introduced into both Australia and New Zealand. In Malta it is considered a prestigious song bird.

The Greenfinch is 15 cm (5.9 in) long with a wing span of 24.5 to 27.5 cm (9.6 to 10.8 in).  European Green finches for sale are mainly green, with yellow in the wings and tail. The female and young birds are duller and have brown tones on the back. The bill is thick and conical.

Catch the Greenfinch bird song with a lot of trilling twitters interspersed with wheezes, and the male has a “butterfly” display flight.

Diet: Seeds form the bulk of the greenfinch diet including wild turnip and radish seeds, rape seed, thistle seed, and Sunflowers in addition to fruits such as Kiwifruit, Passion Fruit and Apples. Also, Australian Blend Goldenfeast.

Breeding: Breeding season occurs in spring, starting in the second half of March, until June, with fledging young in early July. Incubation lasts about 13–14 days, by the female. Male feeds her at the nest during this period. Chicks are covered with thick, long, greyish-white down at hatching. They are fed on insect larvae by both adults during the first days, and later, by frequent regurgitated yellowish paste of seeds. They leave the nest about 13 days later but they are not able to fly. Usually, they fledge 16–18 days after hatching. This species produces two or three broods per year.

* courtesy of Wikipedia

DNA Testing

If there is no gender option listed for a bird on our website, that particular species is ‘monomorphic’, which means we’re unable to determine gender without purchasing DNA testing. DNA testing is an additional $149 per bird to guarantee preferred gender. DNA testing may add an additional 3-6 plus weeks to estimated delivery time to allow for gender results. See our FAQs for more info.


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